Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Generate User Interface Automatically: Metawidget v0.6

Version 0.6 of Metawidget, the tool that lets you generate user interfaces automatically, is now available. This release includes:
Special thanks to Rintcius Blok for his contributions to this release!

As always, the best place to start is the Reference Documentation:

Your continued feedback is invaluable to us. Please download it and let us know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I have the same ideas for a long time. By mapping a Model to User Interface, we can focus more on business model and that is the core value of software. also as an engineer, I can control the model more easily, by pure business code, unit test and others. but the user interface is more work that model but only to provide a "UI", it contains no more logic other that the model.

    I also think that OIM is a very good "concept" for this domain. i usually names my idea as "Domain model framework" or other things, but now i think OIM is more clearly。

    I have prototype some ideas in our project using GWT, such as DataBean(model as POJO and using generator to generate meta information), and then an DataForm to render a POJO as a Form, and an DataGrid to render a List of POJI as a Grid.

    I like to mapping more that "Single Object" to UI, including:
    # Match method to UI's buttons, like something in JMX framework.
    # Match relationship between objects. which makes we can more RAD since relationship(that can be standardization) is very popular in user interface.

    Thanks, and can you provide your email for exchange ideas? my email is wangzaixiang@gmail.com
