1...30 (of 54,342)
But finding that total number of hits can be slow. In particular doing select count(*) in MySQL is notoriously slow. There are lots of possible solutions. A promising, MySQL-specific one is select FOUND_ROWS(). Using this via native SQL is easy. But exposing it inside JPA-QL (which generates its SQL automatically) is tricky. The rules for using it are:
- Clients must run a normal query, using LIMIT for pagination, and prefix it as: select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * from myTable
- Immediately afterwards, before any other SQL statements are run, clients call select FOUND_ROWS() to obtain the number of rows there would have been if no LIMIT had been set
is that it can be used with having
queries, whereas count()
cannot.Here's one way to leverage this inside Hibernate-based JPA. We'll be using Interceptors. Like all the solutions to this problem, this one isn't perfect, but it may suit your purposes:
package com.kennardconsulting.core.hibernate.interceptor;
import org.hibernate.EmptyInterceptor;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
* Hibernate interceptor to make use of MySQL's proprietary <code>SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS</code> hint.
* The <code>count()</code> method in MySQL is notoriously slow
* (http://mysqlha.blogspot.com/2009/08/fast-count-for-innodb.html) as it scans the entire index.
* <code>SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS</code> was introduced to allow clients to obtain a <code>count()</code>
* in a more performant way.
* <p>
* The rules are:
* <p>
* <ol>
* <li>Clients must run a normal query, using <code>LIMIT</code> for pagination, and prefix it with
* <code>SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS</code></li>
* <li>Immediately afterwards, <em>before any other SQL statements are run</em>, clients call
* <code>FOUND_ROWS()</code> to obtain the number of rows there <em>would</em> have been, if no
* limit had been set</li>
* </ol>
* <p>
* A further advantage of <code>SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS</code> is that it can be used with
* <code>having</code>, where <code>count()</code> cannot.
* <p>
* Other approaches we tried:
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li>Hibernate supports ScrollableResults, but on MySQL that seems to just bring back the entire
* results and is very slow</li>
* <li>You can try embedding count(*) as an extra column in the query, but that negates the indexes</li>
* <li>You can try 'show table status where name = Member' but that varies wildly and is
* disconcerting for the user (for 60,000 rows, +/- 3,000 rows)</li>
* <li>You can make 'count()' setCacheable( true )</li>
* </ul>
* <strong>Note: this is not a general purpose Interceptor. It assumes it will be used to execute a
* single select (possibly with secondary selects) and then thrown away. It cannot be
* re-used.</strong>
public class MySQLCalcFoundRowsInterceptor
extends EmptyInterceptor {
// Private statics
private final static String SELECT_PREFIX = "select ";
private final static String CALC_FOUND_ROWS_HINT = "SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ";
private final static String SELECT_FOUND_ROWS = "select FOUND_ROWS()";
// Private members
private SessionFactory mSessionFactory;
private byte mSQLStatementsPrepared;
private Long mFoundRows;
// Constructor
public MySQLCalcFoundRowsInterceptor( SessionFactory sessionFactory ) {
mSessionFactory = sessionFactory;
// Public methods
public String onPrepareStatement( String sql ) {
switch ( mSQLStatementsPrepared ) {
case 0: {
// First time, prefix CALC_FOUND_ROWS_HINT
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder( sql );
int indexOf = builder.indexOf( SELECT_PREFIX );
if ( indexOf == -1 ) {
throw new HibernateException( "First SQL statement did not contain '" + SELECT_PREFIX + "'" );
builder.insert( indexOf + SELECT_PREFIX.length(), CALC_FOUND_ROWS_HINT );
return builder.toString();
case 1: {
// Before any secondary selects, capture FOUND_ROWS. If no secondary selects are
// ever executed, getFoundRows() will capture FOUND_ROWS just-in-time when called
// directly
return sql;
// Pass-through untouched
return sql;
public long getFoundRows() {
if ( mFoundRows == null ) {
return mFoundRows;
// Private methods
private void captureFoundRows() {
// Sanity checks
if ( mFoundRows != null ) {
throw new HibernateException( "'" + SELECT_FOUND_ROWS + "' called more than once" );
if ( mSQLStatementsPrepared < 1 ) {
throw new HibernateException( "'" + SELECT_FOUND_ROWS + "' called before '" + SELECT_PREFIX + CALC_FOUND_ROWS_HINT +"'" );
// Fetch the total number of rows
mFoundRows = ( (Number) mSessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery( SELECT_FOUND_ROWS ).uniqueResult() ).longValue();
import org.hibernate.EmptyInterceptor;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
* Hibernate interceptor to make use of MySQL's proprietary <code>SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS</code> hint.
* The <code>count()</code> method in MySQL is notoriously slow
* (http://mysqlha.blogspot.com/2009/08/fast-count-for-innodb.html) as it scans the entire index.
* <code>SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS</code> was introduced to allow clients to obtain a <code>count()</code>
* in a more performant way.
* <p>
* The rules are:
* <p>
* <ol>
* <li>Clients must run a normal query, using <code>LIMIT</code> for pagination, and prefix it with
* <code>SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS</code></li>
* <li>Immediately afterwards, <em>before any other SQL statements are run</em>, clients call
* <code>FOUND_ROWS()</code> to obtain the number of rows there <em>would</em> have been, if no
* limit had been set</li>
* </ol>
* <p>
* A further advantage of <code>SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS</code> is that it can be used with
* <code>having</code>, where <code>count()</code> cannot.
* <p>
* Other approaches we tried:
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li>Hibernate supports ScrollableResults, but on MySQL that seems to just bring back the entire
* results and is very slow</li>
* <li>You can try embedding count(*) as an extra column in the query, but that negates the indexes</li>
* <li>You can try 'show table status where name = Member' but that varies wildly and is
* disconcerting for the user (for 60,000 rows, +/- 3,000 rows)</li>
* <li>You can make 'count()' setCacheable( true )</li>
* </ul>
* <strong>Note: this is not a general purpose Interceptor. It assumes it will be used to execute a
* single select (possibly with secondary selects) and then thrown away. It cannot be
* re-used.</strong>
public class MySQLCalcFoundRowsInterceptor
extends EmptyInterceptor {
// Private statics
private final static String SELECT_PREFIX = "select ";
private final static String CALC_FOUND_ROWS_HINT = "SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ";
private final static String SELECT_FOUND_ROWS = "select FOUND_ROWS()";
// Private members
private SessionFactory mSessionFactory;
private byte mSQLStatementsPrepared;
private Long mFoundRows;
// Constructor
public MySQLCalcFoundRowsInterceptor( SessionFactory sessionFactory ) {
mSessionFactory = sessionFactory;
// Public methods
public String onPrepareStatement( String sql ) {
switch ( mSQLStatementsPrepared ) {
case 0: {
// First time, prefix CALC_FOUND_ROWS_HINT
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder( sql );
int indexOf = builder.indexOf( SELECT_PREFIX );
if ( indexOf == -1 ) {
throw new HibernateException( "First SQL statement did not contain '" + SELECT_PREFIX + "'" );
builder.insert( indexOf + SELECT_PREFIX.length(), CALC_FOUND_ROWS_HINT );
return builder.toString();
case 1: {
// Before any secondary selects, capture FOUND_ROWS. If no secondary selects are
// ever executed, getFoundRows() will capture FOUND_ROWS just-in-time when called
// directly
return sql;
// Pass-through untouched
return sql;
public long getFoundRows() {
if ( mFoundRows == null ) {
return mFoundRows;
// Private methods
private void captureFoundRows() {
// Sanity checks
if ( mFoundRows != null ) {
throw new HibernateException( "'" + SELECT_FOUND_ROWS + "' called more than once" );
if ( mSQLStatementsPrepared < 1 ) {
throw new HibernateException( "'" + SELECT_FOUND_ROWS + "' called before '" + SELECT_PREFIX + CALC_FOUND_ROWS_HINT +"'" );
// Fetch the total number of rows
mFoundRows = ( (Number) mSessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery( SELECT_FOUND_ROWS ).uniqueResult() ).longValue();
To use this Interceptor inside JPA-QL:
SessionFactory sessionFactory = ((org.hibernate.Session) mEntityManager.getDelegate()).getSessionFactory();
MySQLCalcFoundRowsInterceptor foundRowsInterceptor = new MySQLCalcFoundRowsInterceptor( sessionFactory );
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession( foundRowsInterceptor );
try {
org.hibernate.Query query = session.createQuery( ... ) // Note: JPA-QL, not createNativeQuery!
query.setFirstResult( ... );
query.setMaxResults( ... );
List entities = query.list();
long foundRows = foundRowsInterceptor.getFoundRows();
} finally {
// Disconnect() is good practice, but close() causes problems. Note, however, that
// disconnect could lead to lazy-loading problems if the returned list of entities has
// lazy relations
MySQLCalcFoundRowsInterceptor foundRowsInterceptor = new MySQLCalcFoundRowsInterceptor( sessionFactory );
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession( foundRowsInterceptor );
try {
org.hibernate.Query query = session.createQuery( ... ) // Note: JPA-QL, not createNativeQuery!
query.setFirstResult( ... );
query.setMaxResults( ... );
List entities = query.list();
long foundRows = foundRowsInterceptor.getFoundRows();
} finally {
// Disconnect() is good practice, but close() causes problems. Note, however, that
// disconnect could lead to lazy-loading problems if the returned list of entities has
// lazy relations
Hope that helps!
I think the interceptor has a bug.
I had to add a boolean field and change this lines:
// check not already capturing
if (!capturingFoundRows)
// Set to true before capturing
capturingFoundRows = true;
mFoundRows = ...
I have created a more complete solution based off of this solution that works very well with Spring+Hibernate+MySQL
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