There's been a bit of interest in whether Metawidget can use SwingX components instead of standard Swing ones. The answer is yes! Metawidget makes it easy to support third-party component libraries. Here's how:
Step 1: Derive your own SwingXMetawidget
Subclass SwingMetawidget and override its buildActiveWidget method to select SwingX components. For example:
package com.myapp.metawidget.swingx;
import static org.metawidget.inspector.InspectionResultConstants.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import org.jdesktop.swingx.JXDatePicker;
import org.metawidget.util.ClassUtils;
public class SwingXMetawidget extends SwingMetawidget {
public JComponent buildActiveWidget( Map<String, String> attributes )
throws Exception {
String type = attributes.get( TYPE );
if ( type != null ) {
Class<?> clazz = ClassUtils.niceForName( type );
// Use SwingX JXDatePicker
if ( Date.class.isAssignableFrom( clazz ) )
return new JXDatePicker();
// Not for SwingX
return super.buildActiveWidget( attributes );
protected String getValueProperty( Component component ) {
if ( component instanceof JXDatePicker )
return "date";
return super.getValueProperty( component );
import static org.metawidget.inspector.InspectionResultConstants.*;
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import org.jdesktop.swingx.JXDatePicker;
import org.metawidget.util.ClassUtils;
public class SwingXMetawidget extends SwingMetawidget {
public JComponent buildActiveWidget( Map<String, String> attributes )
throws Exception {
String type = attributes.get( TYPE );
if ( type != null ) {
Class<?> clazz = ClassUtils.niceForName( type );
// Use SwingX JXDatePicker
if ( Date.class.isAssignableFrom( clazz ) )
return new JXDatePicker();
// Not for SwingX
return super.buildActiveWidget( attributes );
protected String getValueProperty( Component component ) {
if ( component instanceof JXDatePicker )
return "date";
return super.getValueProperty( component );
That's it! You'll get all the other Metawidget benefits (like layouts, internationalization, etc.) for free. Note that overriding getValueProperty is optional, but necessary if you want automatic two-way data binding between the JXDatePicker and your business objects.
Step 2: Use SwingXMetawidget in your Application
To try it, download the Metawidget source and update the Swing Address Book example's ContactDialog to say...
final SwingMetawidget metawidget = new SwingXMetawidget();
...(on about line 135). Run the example, double click on Homer Simpson and you'll see the SwingX JXDatePicker component used for the 'Date of Birth' field (previously it was just a JTextField, because vanilla Swing doesn't have a Date picker):

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