Saturday, May 1, 2010

Model Driven User Interface: Metawidget v0.95

Version 0.95 of Metawidget, the model driven user interface tool, is now available. This release includes the following enhancements:
Special thanks to Stefan Ackermann for his contributions to this release, and to Nebojsa Cvijovic for his help testing!

As always, the best place to start is the Reference Documentation:

Your continued feedback is invaluable to us. Please download it and let us know what you think.

Breaking Changes

There have, unfortunately, been some minor breaking changes with this release compared to v0.9. Specifically:

  • Many Basexxx classes have been removed in favour of a 'simplified' interface and an 'advanced' interface. For example there is no BaseWidgetProcessor any more - there is just the WidgetProcessor interface and an AdvancedWidgetProcessor interface. All the 'simplified' interfaces have only one method. This was done in preparation for automatic function objects (closures) in Java 7

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