Previously you could make attributes of your UI 'conditional' by annotating them with UiFacesAttribute. For example:
public class Penguin {
@UiFacesAttribute( name = HIDDEN, expression = "#{empty penguin.current.condition}" )
@UiComesAfter( "dateOfBirth" )
public PenguinCondition getCondition() {
@UiFacesAttribute( name = HIDDEN, expression = "#{empty penguin.current.condition}" )
@UiComesAfter( "dateOfBirth" )
public PenguinCondition getCondition() {
This would hide the condition property if it was empty. In order words, if the JSF EL expression #{empty penguin.current.condition} evaluated to true.
The problem with this code is that, although the annotation is placed on the business object, the EL expression #{penguin.current.condition} relies on the JSF context being properly initialized with a penguin managed bean. This is rather brittle.
As a solution, in v0.95 FacesInspector can inject a this attribute 'just in time' into the FacesContext. So now you can do...
public class Penguin {
@UiFacesAttribute( name = HIDDEN, expression = "#{empty this.condition}" )
@UiComesAfter( "dateOfBirth" )
public PenguinCondition getCondition() {
@UiFacesAttribute( name = HIDDEN, expression = "#{empty this.condition}" )
@UiComesAfter( "dateOfBirth" )
public PenguinCondition getCondition() {
...and condition will be hidden regardless of how the external JSF environment is configured.
Feedback welcome!
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