Where possible, all
Inspectors try and traverse their parent first to pick up any useful attributes such as
@label. I tried having
MetaInspector do this too.
It has the advantage that something like
XmlInspector's metawidget-metadata.xml doesn't need to declare the whole path for cases like
FooController/foo. It can just do...
<entity type="foo">
...rather than...
<entity type="FooController">
<property name="theFoo" type="foo">
<entity type="foo"/>
The problem is all
Inspectors must act the same: I can't remove the parent lookup from all the other
Inspectors, because they may be used independent of
MetaInspector. Therefore, we have
MetaInspector doing the parent lookup and then all the child
Inspectors doing 'parent parent' lookups.
Also, having found the parent, traversing from the parent to the child generically is horribly inefficient, as the best we can do is create a DOM and look for its child. We cannot, say, use JavaBean calls to adjust the
Both of these problems can be worked around (at the expense of increasing the complexity of the
Inspector API) by introducing a separate
inspectParent method, and this has some interesting advantages.
For example when using manually overriden widgets, we don't
want to inspect children - we only want to grab some parent details. But now we are looking at an
Inspector API with both an
inspectParent and an
inspect method, where the latter inspects both the parent
and the child. I feel this overlap would be confusing for
Inspector implementors.
We could try
inspectParent and
inspectChildren methods, but then the normal case of inspecting both parent and children needs double the calls into the
Inspector layer, and would have to return ill-formed chunks of
On balance, I've decided to keep the
Inspector API simple (eg. just
inspect) at the expense of a slightly more complicated
metawidget-metadata.xml and slightly less efficient manually-specified widgets, because both of the latter cases are used much less frequently than the first.