Monday, January 3, 2011

Grokking Seam Forge: Part 1

JBoss have just released Alpha 1 of Seam Forge, their framework for rapid-application development that includes Metawidget support.

You can read more about the release and how to use it here. After that, for those wanting to dive into the code (either out of curiosity or to start contributing) here's a step-by-step guide that may save some trial and error:

Install JBoss Tools

  • Download Eclipse 3.5 SR2 (just the 'Eclipse IDE for Java Developers' version)

  • Download JBoss Tools 3.1.GA

  • Unzip Eclipse, and run eclipse.exe

  • Select a workspace (I'd recommend starting a new one)

  • Use Help > Install New Software. Click Add then Archive (see screenshot):
  • Click OK

  • Check All JBoss Tools - 3.1.1. Click Next and Next again

  • Choose I accept the terms of the license agreements and click Finish
    (NB. there seems to be a bug here: the Finish button will not always be enabled? I found clicking back to the start of the wizard fixed it)

  • Wait for the install to complete. Accept any signing certificates. Restart the IDE
Install EGit

  • Use Help > Install New Software and click Add

  • Enter a Location of (see screenshot):
  • Check Eclipse Git Team Provider. Click Next

  • Click Finish

  • Wait for the install to complete. Accept any signing certificates. Restart the IDE
Clone the Seam Forge Repository

  • Use File > Import and choose Projects from Git (see screenshot):
  • Click Clone... and enter a URI of git:// (see screenshot):
  • Click Next, choose the Master branch, click Next (see screenshot):
  • Click Finish. Wait for the Git repository to clone (may take a while). See screenshot:
  • Click Cancel (not Next!)
Install Maven

  • Use Help > Install New Software

  • Choose to Work with the 'Maven Integration for Eclipse Update Site'

  • Check the 'Maven Integration for Eclipse' box (see screenshot):
  • Click Next, Next, accept the license terms and Finish

  • Wait for the install to complete. Accept any signing certificates. Close the IDE (don't restart it)

  • Edit eclipse/eclipse.ini and add the lines in bold:
    <path to your JDK>\bin\javaw.exe


    (Maven needs Eclipse running under a JDK, not a JRE)

  • Relaunch the IDE
Import Maven Projects

  • Use File > Import. Choose Maven > Existing Maven Projects (see screenshot):
  • Browse to the location of the Git clone (see screenshot):
  • Click Finish. Wait for import of Maven projects (may take a while)
All Seam Forge sub-projects should now be listed under the Package Explorer. There should be no compile errors under the Problems tab, though there may be warnings (as this is still an alpha release). See screenshot: